CompEx -Gas and Vapours (Ex01 - Ex04)

Course Description

The CompEx Ex01-Ex04 Gas and Vapours qualifications have been developed for electrical and instrument technicians working in hazardous locations where gases and vapours can form explosive atmospheres.

Why choose this course?

Check out our credentials here on the CompEx website, and gain peace of mind that your investment in CompEx training will not be wasted.

Enrolling in our CompEx Gas and Vapours (Ex01-Ex04) course opens the door to a wealth of benefits. Here's why you should consider this training program.

Internationally Recognized Certification: This course leads to a CompEx Certificate of Core Competence, which is globally recognized. This certification validates your proficiency in handling electrical work in potentially explosive atmospheres, lending you credibility with employers around the world.

Opportunities to Work Abroad: Given its global recognition, obtaining a CompEx Gas and Vapours (Ex01-Ex04) certification significantly broadens your horizons for employment opportunities overseas. Whether it's the UK, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, or Australia, this certification makes you a valuable asset to employers in potentially explosive industrial work sites around the world.

Comprehensive and Hands-on Training: Our CompEx Ex01-Ex04 course is meticulously crafted to combine theory and hands-on experience, readying participants for real-world situations. You'll acquire practical skills in handling hazardous gases and vapours that can be directly applied in your workplace.

Experienced Instructors: Our instructors are seasoned professionals with years of industry experience. They are not just teaching the course – they've been part of it, ensuring you're learning from those who are intimately familiar with the complexities of hazardous environments.

Safety-Focused: Safety is paramount in industries dealing with potentially explosive atmospheres, and our course prioritizes safe work practices. We'll arm you with the necessary knowledge to minimize the risk of accidents and make your workplace safer.

CompEx Standards: As a CompEx-accredited course, the training conforms to the highest industry standards, including BS EN 60079 (IEC 60079), parts 10, 14, and 17. This means you're learning up-to-date practices that are applicable, valued, and demanded by employers in the industry.

Career Progression: This certification can enhance your career prospects, paving the way for roles that require this specialized skill set. Distinguish yourself in the job market with a CompEx Certificate of Core Competence.

Enroll today, and set yourself apart in the industry with the advanced knowledge and skills acquired from our course.

Who is the course for?

This qualification is suitable for practising electrical or instrument technicians who are involved in installing inspecting and maintaining certified EX electrical equipment in locations, where gases and vapours come, potentially create a hazardous area.

What certificate will i receive?

Candidates who are successful in both the theory and practical assessments will receive a CompEx Certificate of Core Competence.

What can the course lead to?

Upon completion of the CompEx Gas and Vapours (Ex01 - Ex04) training course, attendees will undergo a rigorous assessment, consisting of an online exam and practical evaluations, to earn the CompEx Certificate in Core Competence. This validates them as competent technicians in handling certified Ex electrical equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres.

The CompEx certification, recognised globally, opens up opportunities across a range of industries including chemicals, oil and gas, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, and fuel forecourts. Alongside other certified training, this can lead to various roles within these sectors.

For more information, visit

What is the duration of the course?

Approximately five days, however, it is possible to deliver of the 6 days for candidates whose native language is not English. Speak with one of our team if this option is more suitable.

The 5 day course includes:

  • 3 days of guided learning (theoretical 15-20 hours, practical 4-6 hours)
  • 2 days of assessment.

What are the entry requirements?

To attend this course, Learners must be:

  • Practicing competent electrical technicians; or
  • Practicing competent intrument technicians; or
  • Electrical / Instrument engineers with previosu practical experience; or
  • Prior CompEx certification supported by employer sponsored letter.

What does the course cover?

This course has been developed in consultation with industry to ensure the core competence of existing and potential workers who operate in these environments.

The qualification consists of four units, which cover the minimum requirements for safe working practices in hazardous locations

Learners will learn about the safety considerations that should be applied to work areas that contain potentially explosive or flammable atmospheres and the factors that are used to classify their location.

The course includes instruction on how to read hazardous areas, certification, labeling, and documentation and also informs learners about the main protections, concepts, categories, and levels that are applied to certified EX electrical equipment.

Successful learners will demonstrate the knowledge and skills to meet the requirements highlighted in the IEC 60079, and BS EN 60079 series of standards and the relevant national standards and directives. This qualification focus on the minimum specifications identified in IEC 60079:0, IEC 60079:10.1, IEC 60079:14 and IEC 60079:17.

Course Summary

Key learning objectives

Learners that successfully complete the Ex01-Ex04 qualification will be able to:

  • Identify the correct national regulations directives and ASC standards which are applicable to hazardous locations
  • Identify the correct criteria and descriptors used in classifying hazardous location
  • Recognise the correct characteristics of common hazardous, gases, and vapours discussed during the course
  • Demonstrate an underpinning knowledge of house, certified EX electrical equipment, including Ex'd', 'e'. 'n', 'p','m', 'o', 'q', and 's'. Intrinsic Safety (IS) maintains its protection concept and how it is to be selected, installed, inspected and maintained.
  • Identify the correct test value readings for IS and non-IS installations and equipment

How is the course assessed?

Assessment is undertaken using both practical assessments and an online examination that covers the four separate CompEx units.

Online Exam

Learners must undertake a multiple-choice online examination that consists of 60 questions answered over 1.5 hours

Practical Assessments

Learners are required to undertake for practical assessments (one per unit):

  • Ex01 - 3 hours 45mins
  • Ex02 -1 hour 30 minutes
  • Ex03 - 3 hours
  • Ex04 - 1 hour 15 minutes

Course info

  • Certificate
  • CompEx Certificate - Valid for 5 years

  • Duration
  • 5.0 days

  • Who is it for
  • For practicing electrical or instrument technicians who are involved in installing, inspecting and maintaining Ex equipment.

Next course starts

12 Aug


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