This programme is designed for personnel who maybe required to raise the alarm and operate equipment such as hand-held fire extinguishers, hose-reels and fire blankets in the event of discovering a fire.

This 2-day rigger training course is for personnel who have had little or no training and experience in rigging and lifting operations and who want to start their journey to becoming competent rigger. The rigger course focuses on the use of mechanical lifting equipment such as chainblocks, lever hoists, tirfors and shackles, slings and wire ropes.

This COSHH Awareness Training Course will teach participants how to handle, store, and control hazardous substances correctly.

This course is an assessment of a forklift operator's performance,

This training programme is designed for individuals who are healthcare providers (in and out of hospital), public safety professionals in a variety of occupational settings, or individuals enrolled in healthcare and public safety career training pro- grammes who require BLS training.

This Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) Course is designed for personnel requiring an awareness and understanding of common RPE and what they are used for.

This course can be delivered as 'On Board Safety Training' and customized for site-specific requirements, inc. the use of respirators, EBA and SCBA.

This DROPS - Dropped Objects Awareness & Prevention Training Course is designed to raise awareness of dropped objects throughout the oil and gas industry and beyond.

This course can be delivered as 'On Board Safety Training' and customized for site-specific requirements.

This Lock Out/Tag Out course outlines the health and safety hazards and risks that LOTO helps to control, and how the principles of LOTO should be applied.

This course can be delivered as 'On Board Safety Training' and customised for site-specific requirements.

This Manual Handling course is designed for individuals required to carry out manual handling activities at work.

This course can be delivered as 'On Board Safety Training' and customized for site-specific requirements.

This Spill Prevention Course is designed for anyone who will be required to manage and respond to spills in the workplace which are confined to the locality of the spill and do not enter the sea. This course meets the requirements of Tier 1 training.

This course can be delivered as 'On Board Safety Training' and customized for site-specific requirements.

This HAZCOM course is based on OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) and aims to teach individuals how to disseminate information about common chemicals used in the Oil and Gas industry.

This course can be delivered as 'On Board Safety Training' and customised for site-specific requirements.

This training programme is designed for adult first aid and adult and child CPR AED providers and basic life support (BLS) trained healthcare providers, professional rescuers, or public safety providers working a wide variety of occupational settings who desire or are required to be certified in the emergency use of medical oxygen.

This training programme is designed for individuals who are not health- care providers or professional rescu- ers who desire, or are occupationally required, to be trained and certified in adult first aid and/or CPR AED for the adult, child, or infant.

This Permit-to-Work Course is designed for anyone who will be creating and issuing permits, as well as those who will supervise or carry out the work covered by a permit.

This course can be delivered as 'On Board Safety Training' and customised for site-specific requirements.
